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Regionales Alterszentrum Tannzapfenland (Münchwilen TG)

Regionales Alterszentrum Tannzapfenland has been rated 5 out of 5 stars
2 Reviews

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About Us

The home, nestled in a beautiful, natural setting, offers activity, lifestyle, health care, culinary delights or individual companionship to the elderly and those in need of care. The basic principle is: self-determined living with as much support as reasonable and desired.

The cooperative Regionales Alterszentrum Tannzapfenland was formed by the merger of the cooperative Regionales Pflegeheim Tannzapfenland (in operation since January 1979) and the cooperative Alterswohnheim Rebenacker Münchwilen (in operation since June 1979). We have expanded our offer with retirement apartments (in operation since May 2010) and a sheltered housing group (in operation since November 2016).

The nursing home with beautiful single and double rooms, comfortable living areas and the public cafeteria was modernized in 2018. The rooms for activation were also enlarged and the office areas were renewed.

Currently, the new construction of 15 two-room and 2 three-room apartments is in full swing. We look forward to moving into these in the summer of 2020.

  • Old People's Home
  • Nursing home: For short and day stays
  • Sheltered housing group
  • Apartments for the elderly
  • Activation
  • Food and drink - Our cafeteria
  • Events and excursions
  • Coiffure, Pedicure & Podiatry
  • Physiotherapy
  • Worship & Pastoral Care

Our Philosophy

The human being is the center of attention.

With each other and for each other are the guiding principles of our institution. In the partnership care we put the person in the center and meet him with esteem, respect and dignity.

Our goals are to create a high quality of life for our residents and a place of encounter in an open and appreciative atmosphere. Our concept is geared towards this, with needs and requirements-oriented services and a range of rooms that provide individual areas for living together.

The community is to be specifically promoted by the common experience. Residents who like to have peace and quiet will find sufficient retreat possibilities on the whole area. All residents should be able to find a personalized living environment that allows them to age with dignity.

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Location and contact

Show directions

Regionales Alterszentrum Tannzapfenland

  • office address office address

    Rebenacker 4 9542 Münchwilen TG

  • Phone Phone
    0719... Show number 071 969 12 12
  • Write an e-mail Write an e-mail
  • Visit site Visit site Visit site


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Regionales Alterszentrum Tannzapfenland has been rated 5 out of 5 stars
2 Reviews

1 reviews from older local.ch. archives

Data from June 2019

Regionales Alterszentrum Tannzapfenland has been rated 5 out of 5 stars
Average: 5,0 of 5

* These texts have been automatically translated.

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Regionales Alterszentrum Tannzapfenland

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